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  • # DO NOT MODIFY THIS LIST UNLESS YOU HAVE A BASIC UNDERSTANDING OF REGEX! # …his is a list of domain names which are blocked - nobody can add new links to these domains
    338 KB (48.732 Wörter) - 15:28, 5. Feb. 2012
  • .*d[iíıl][lI]do.* <newaccountonly> # no more than two contiguous letters (raising to three would be tempting, but needs more testing):
    9 KB (1.057 Wörter) - 20:58, 7. Feb. 2012
  • …t is best to comply with as a way to do some custom chrome paint. Adhering to them strictly will merely pimp your ride.Step 1Prepare the surface the plac
    788 Bytes (128 Wörter) - 07:34, 27. Jun. 2013